The best customers are the ones that already use your product. Here are some simple things you can do to keep the customers you already have and make them super users.

Say hello

Say Hello to Your Customers.

People feel welcomed and are more likely to buy from you. Starbucks and Walmart train their employees to do this. This seriously does work - even on the web (with a personalized email).

Friendly email

Send them a friendly email that will help them out on a regular basis (weekly or monthly).

Tips on ways to improve their business or get more friends, etc. Twitter/Facebook are really good at this. So is Salesforce and Intuit. They get someone to help you with the onboarding process.

Customer importance

Make the customer feel important.

Something magical should happen when they enter your site. Find the product they are looking for right away, new comments, more sales, etc.

Related Best Practices

Other Resources


The author of this article is Rishi Shah .

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