This is the 'For template' template. It should be called in the following format:

{{For template
|label=label text
|chooser=dropdown name 
|chooser caption=caption text
|strict - yes
|end template=yes
Specifies a label to be placed in a square around the entire set of this template's fields in the form.
Specifies that the user can change the number of instances of this template in the form, allowing multiple (or zero) occurrences; see "Multiple-instance templates", below.
chooser=dropdown name
Similar to multiple, but allows for a single dropdown input in the form to add instances of each template labelled as chooser, instead of each such template requiring its own 'Add' button.
chooser caption=caption
Sets the caption in the form's dropdown for adding instances of this template; must be set in conjunction with chooser option.
Specifies that only fields in the form that corresp

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